Our NEW 2025 Partner is a German corporation dedicated to supporting integrated circuit test handlers originally made by Multitest™ and Rasco™.

With their group of highly skilled and experienced industry professionals, Protosemi is able to provide on-going support for these great handler products.

Protosemi focuses on maximizing the productivity & value of Rasco™, Multitest™ gravity and pick & place handlers (and others knowned brands as Delta Design & Seïko Epson), with the SALE of fully rebuilt systems that meet OEM specifications. They can offer RENTAL & LEASE programs to suit all circumstances, and most importantly, they offer quality SPARE PARTS to support these handlers.

Protosemi is committed to extending the life cycle of your installed handler base using the same quality and expertise that originally made the products best-in-class. Our customers maximize the benefit of their installed base.

Their portfolio currently covers the following handler models :

MT8503 | MT8588 | MT8589 | MT8704 | MT9308 | MT9320 | MT9510 | MT9510XP | MT9918 | MT9928 | MT9928XM

SO1000 | SO1500 | SO1800 | SO2000 | SO2800

Protosemi GmbH

  Multitest – MT9308            Multitest – MT9510              Multitest – MT9928                 Rasco – SO1000


Peritest is PROTOSEMI representative for France & Morocco